Bethany Chapel Toronto
AAbel Thomas Abide in Me & I in You Abiding in God's Love Above All A Bowl of Stew Abraham Abraham Jacob Abraham Thomas Abraham Valsan Aby Sam A Compassionate & Long suffering GOD Adding to Your Faith Adopted for life A Generation for the Lord A Glorious Response to Bold Requests A journey through Israel A journey with Jesus Aleeza Thomas Alexander Kurian Alex Thomas All Hail the Power of Jesus Name All Wise A Man after God's own heart Andrew Andrew Rennie Aniyan George Anson Thomas Anugrahatin Adhipadhiye An Upward Look Apostle's Doctrine Archippus A reminder Are we worthy of Jesus? Are you BESC for GOD? Are you spiritually satisfied Arnold Doobay Arthur Dixon Arulraj Kannan Arun Joshua Samuel Aspire to do good and right Attributes of GOD BBabu Daniel Babu Jacob Backsliding of a Believer Baptism Barnabas Barry Friesen Bearing fruit Because He lives Be Hopeful Believer & Good Works Believer & Sufferings Benjamin John Ben John Benn Thomas Be not anxious Be not deceived Be of good cheer Be of Good Cheer! It is I Be of the same mind in the Lord Be Reminded Be strong and be bold Bethany - A Glimpse of 2018 Bethany Chapel Toronto Bethany Sisters Bethany Sunday School Bethany Youth Bethel Bigger than all my problems Bill Yuille Binu Samuel Blessedness of Brokenness Blesson Thomas Boast in knowing the Lord Bobby Alexander Bobby Samuel Book of Joshua Breaking of Bread Brian Gunning Busy with Important Things CCheckmate Cherian Mathew Choreography Christian behaviour Christian Families Christian Life and Pitfall Christian Maturity Christian Parenting Christian Pension Plan Christmas Program Church & Mission Church & Worship Church of Ephesus City Of Refuge Claire Elizabeth Raj Come now is the time to Worship Condolence Meeting Confessions of a Dying Criminal Consider Your Ways Constant with God in the midst of changes Context is King Creation CS Mathews CT Samuel DDaniel Daniel Abraham Daniel Mearns Danny Thomas David Kandathu David Paul Dealings in a Christian's Life Decisions that can make or break your life Dedication Service - Eva Grace Thomas Depression Devil's Devices Did you ever talk to GOD? Discipleship Discipleship Series Divine Commands Divine Rebukes Don't kick your sacrifice Don't party in your old Coffin Don't party in your old coffin - 3 Don't party in your old coffin - Double Sins Don Graham Do you know Jesus Dr. Babu K Verghese Dr. Shaiju Varghese Dress for Success Dwight Knight EEaster Message EG Benny El-Roi Election & Calling Elijah Emmanuel - GOD with us Encountering Jesus Encounter with Jesus Encouragement English Song Enne Karuthuvaan Kaakkuvan Enni Enni Sthuthikkuvaan En Prananum En Aausum Nin Daanan En Priyan Valamkarathil Enpriyan Valamkarathil En Snehavanaaya Thaatha Ente Priyan Vaanil Entering Rest En Yeshuven Sangeetham Epaphras Epaphroditus Esther Abraham Eternal Eternal Life and Trinity Eva Grace Thomas Evangelization Evolution FFaith Faithfulness Faith in Fiery Furnace Fall of the Giants Family Life Family Seminar Farewell to Bro. David Paul & Sis. Molly Paul by Sunday School Fear God Fear of the Lord Felicity Mathew fellowship Focusing on Christ and His promises in this time of troubles and anxieties Focus on Your Salvation Foot Watching & Food Washing Foundations for Fellowship: Living out God’s design for Community GGao Gao Gary McBride Generational Faith & Personal Faith George Johnson George Koshy George Mathew - Toronto George Mathew - Uran George Samuel George Varghese Gethsemane Model to handle Life's Crisis Giants 2.0 Gia Thomas Gideon & Jephthah Gifts & Talents Giving Gleanings in Greetings Glorification Glorification and Resurrection of the Body Glorious GLS God's Compassion God's Faithful Remnant God's Love God's Perfect Plan GOD be with you till we meet again God is Good GOD is greater than all my problems God is in control God is our refuge Godliness with contentment is great gain Godly George Godly Living in a Perilous World God of Glory God Ordained Steps & Stops GOD our HOPE God will give you more than you can handle God will never give up on you God’s choice and attention to details Goodness Gospel to the Gentiles Gossip Go tell it on the mountain Grace Grace & Love served at Daybreak Graceson George Graham Varghese Greatness of our Salvation HHabakkuk Habakkuk - Trusting GOD in troubled times Harry Graham Harvest Times for your family Have you already been rewarded? Have You Filled Out Your Timesheet? Heart of God He knoweth HIS sheep Hindi Christian Medley Hindi Song Holiness Holy Living Hope after life Hosanna Hosanna Hospitality House of GOD How great is our God How great thou art How to Pray Hugh Rogers Human Philosophy & God's Word II am the.... I am the resurrection I come before You today I Hear Your Voice Immutable Importance of Ministry of Word Importance of Practical Life Importance of receiving Christ Importance of Right Doctrine Individual worship leading into Corporate thanksgiving Into the Deep Introduction to Christian Discipleship It's about the cross It's a Great thing to Praise the Lord It was the night of Jesus birth JJab Akela Jack Backer Jacob Jobin Jai Jai Naam Jaimon John James Mathew Jeby K Simon Jeffrey Thudian Jeremiah Jeremy Thudian Jesus Christ - God of Refuge Jesus Christ - The Source of Eternal Life Jesus is the reason of every season Jesus is the reason of the season Jijo Angamaly Jijo Paul Joash John Jobin John Mathew Jobin Varghese Joby Thudian Joel Albert John Jacob John Joy John Kurian John Mathew Johnny Varghese Johnson B Thomas Johnson John John Thankachen; Moses Jonah Jonah Jonah Jonah the Prophet Jonsy Abraham Jose Mathews Jose Muttathu Joseph - A Character Study Joseph John Joshin Thomas Joshua Journey of a Believer Joyce Mathew Joy John Joykutty Varghese Joy Muringatheril Joy Thudian Jubin James Just lay it aside KKaanunnu Njaan Viswasathaal Karen Sarah Raj Kathukalee Keelkkunnuvoo Kid's Corner King of Glory Knowing God Knowing God's will Koshy Mathew Kroosil Kandu Njaan Kroosil Kandu Njaan Kroos Ki Aur Dekho Kunjomon Thottappally LLarry Offner Lessons from Egypt Lessons From The Creation Account Lessons from the life of Daniel LIFE OF JESUS Life of Nehemiah: An introduction to Christian Leadership Lijo M George LIVE WELL TO DIE WELL LIVE YOUR FAITH; SHARE YOUR LIFE Living a life of Integrity Matters Living and Acceptable Service Looking unto Jesus Lord Jesus I Love thee Louis Voyer Love Love for other Disciples Loving money is vanity MM.P Philip Mahonnathanaam Yeshuve Make Disciples of others Making the best use of Time Malachi Malayalam Song Malpriyanee Ennessu Manu Thomas Marriage of the Lamb Mathew Cherian Mathew Sebastian Matthew Reese Mene Apna Mann Yeeshu Ko De Diya Mercy Michelle Rhea Abraham Mike Attwood Mime Miracles of Calvary Missed Opportunity - Judas Iscariot Mission of John the Baptist Moses Mountains in the Bible Move forward courageously M P Jacob Mukthi Dilayee Yeeshu Naam MV Babu My Father's Heart NNanni allathonnumilla Nathan Abraham Neele Aasman Ke Paar Jaayenge Nehemiah Neil James New Year Message Nikhil James Ninte Mahatwamaaneka Lakshiyam Njanente Karthavin Svantham Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord Noble George Norman Borlaug OOaks Of Righteousness Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscent On A Hill Far Away Our faithfulness Our Mission and Our Means Overcoming Negativity Overview of James PP. M Abraham Packages from GOD Pahimam Deva Deva Papangal Pookkavee Parables in John Parishudhan Mahonnatha Devan Parisudhan Mahonnatha Devan Patience - Experiencing God's Best Paul's companions in the ministry Paul's instructions to Christ's slaves Peer Pressure P E Samkutty Peter Abraham Philip K Andrews Phoebe Our Sister Pintu David Poem Recitation Prayer Prayer & Fasting Prayer of Nehemiah Preciousness Of Believers' Death Prepare to meet your God Pride & Humility Promises-Maverick City (Cover) Psalm 84 Pursuit Of Holiness Puthanaamerusalem Put on the whole armor of God RRaajadhi Raajanee Devaadhi Devanee Rachel Boaz Rajan John Rajan Thomas Ransom Ready for Rapture? Reckless Love Redeeming the time Rejoice in the Lord always Rejoy Thudian Remain in Christ Righteousness & Justice Rod Joyce Running the Race Running to win or to lose Ruth Ruth - A character Study Ruth Jobin SSajan Samuel Sam Cherian Sam K John Sam Thomas Samuel Devashikamony Samuel Devasikhamony Samuel Mark Sanskrit Santhosh Thomas Sany J Abraham Sarah Abraham Secrets of Happy Christian Life Security of the Believers and Insecurity of Non-believers Self Evaluation Self Sufficient Separated for Christ Set your mind on things above Shalu T Ninan Sharon Joy Sharon Thudian Sharon Thudian Joy Sheila Henderson Sheltering in the Glory of God SHH.. I DO NOT RESPECT GOSSIP Shibu Baburaj Siji Varghese Sisters' Bible Study Skit Special Christmas Presentation Special News Report by BNN Spiritual Discipline Spiritual Experience of Elijah Spiritual gifts (Sign Gifts) Spiritual Prosperity Standing On the Promises Stanly K Sam Stephen Cherian Steps of Faith - Abraham Steve Mark Study on the Book of Philippians Submission - Husband & Wife Successful Prayerlife of a Christian Sufferings in the life of a believer Sunbeam Sunday School Anniversary 2021 Sunday School Christmas Program Susan Sam Joy Sweena Baburaj TTactics of Satan Take care of your tongue Tamil Song TA Samuel Tessa Thudian Thanksgiving Bouquet Than Vazhkayal The aroma of heaven The Bible and the Sanskrit Bible The Birth Foretold The Burning Bush The Chosen Ones The Church at Sardis The Creed The Desert Song The End at Hand The End at Hand : Ready for Rapture? The Endzone of Life The errors of Balaam The Forgotten Truths The GOD of Elijah The Golden Calf The Good hand of the Lord was upon me The Hand Of the Lord The Holiness of God The Letter to the Thessalonians The life and Character of Joseph The Lord hath need of him The Lost Sheep The Man who missed Christmas The Mission of The Church The one man for God The other Prodigal Son The Price of Anger The Real Revival The Rich man and Lazarus The Shepherd & His Sheep The Shunammite Woman The Story of Christmas The virtue of Patience The word of GOD is living and powerful The Wrath of God The “Well- Done Statement” At The Final Evaluation This I Believe This World is not my home Thomas Daniel Thomson B Thomas Titus To know GOD Tony Martin Toronto Brethren Convention Total Commitment Transformation & Transmutation Trusting GOD in troubled times Tuna Enikkeshuve Kuravinee Ellathaal Twinkle Paul UUnanswered Prayers Understanding GOD VValley full of bones Varghese John Varghese Kurian Vembunnen Ullam Vessel fit for the Master's Use Viji Roberts Vinoji Samuel WWait on the Lord Walking with God Walk in the Spirit We are sojourners We are the temple of the Holy Spirit Wedding at Cana Well Done What a believer can / cannot lose What am I seeking What Can Wash away my sin What fruit do you bear? What is Your Business Here? What shall I then do with Jesus? What we have in heaven? Who is in Control Who is this? Whose glasses are you wearing Whose house are you building Why evil exists in conjunction with good? Will thou go with this Man? Wind & Water Wise Caveman David A Man after GOD's own heart Wound in the woods Wrath Of Calvary YYear End Message Yeeshu Tum Yeesu Mashi Tere Jaisa Koyee Nahee Yeshukristhu Uyarthu Jeevikkunnu Yeshuve Naadha Angayee Njaan You are the Letters of Christ You are the Light of the World Your ordinary life becomes adventurous 11 Corinthians 15 77 Eyes of GOD